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Tyler adored his mother. All that was good in him came from her. His kindness. His tender heart. His ability to never give up. All came from his mother. She provided him warmth and hope, all within the safety of her gentle touch. He was Superman, and she is Superman’s mother.

Kathleen and Tyler

Superman and his mom lived a life cycle that most will never see, and ALL pray will never happen to them. Tyler entered this world and found himself in the soft, warm, and joyful embrace of his mother, and far too soon, he left this world in the soft, warm, and broken hearted embrace of the very same mother. He was Superman and she is Superman’s mother. My heart is pulled to this mother today, and all the mothers that have felt the pain, grief, and longing that is only known to those special mothers that have lived the same cruel cycle. Simeon prophesied to Mary after Christ’s birth when he said, “Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also.” He said this directly to His mother. He said this specifically to His mother, because Simeon knew. He knew the pain of Christ's crucifixion would be felt most deeply by His mother. Yes, I think about Superman’s mother today, and ”a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also.” He was Superman, and she is Superman’s mother. Cherish every moment. Tyler's Dad Whatever It Takes

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