I miss these blue eyes. This is my favorite picture of Tyler. It was taken by my daughter, McKenzie, during the holidays before Tyler was diagnosed with brain cancer. I have a copy of it in my truck – it looks back at me every day. It reminds me.
If you had five minutes left to speak what would you say?
If you had five minutes left to teach your children one last lesson what would it be?
If you had five minutes left to summarize what you accomplished in your life what would you say?
I believe that for each of us only the most important messages and aspects of our lives would make into those last precious five minutes - only the important things. My dad taught me that you should have goals in life, both personal and professional, and he is right. If you don’t know where you’re going any road will get you there. For me the ultimate impact of these goals may not actually be the achieving of the goal itself – rather it will be all the small steps along that way that guided your decisions in attempting to reach that goal.
What would happen to your life if you decided your goals, both personal and professional, must be worthy of your last “five minutes”?
How would it change your life?
What would happen to your life if you had to qualify each big decision with “will it make it in my last five minutes?”
How would it change that decision and how would it change your life?
Just before Tyler took his last labored breath I whispered my last “five minutes” into his ear. I only spoke the important things. Nothing else mattered. Nothing.
If you had five minutes left to speak what would you say?
If you had one last lesson to teach your children what would it be?
If you had five minutes to summarize what you accomplished in this life what would you say?
If you don’t know where you’re going any road will get you there.
Cherish every moment.
Tyler's Dad Whatever It Takes